Alan Grostephan
Phone: 404.471.5154
Email: agrostephan@letaoyizs.com
Office Location: Buttrick 224
Academic Degrees
BA University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
MFA University of California at Irvine
Teaching and Scholarly Interests
Professor Grostephan teaches creative writing--fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and literary translation. His interests include literary modernism, 20th century American, post-colonial, and Latin American literatures. In 2001, he co-founded a nonprofit in a slum outside Bogotá, Colombia, where he taught creative writing and theater. He is the editor and translator of Stories of Life and Death, a collection writing by young Colombian writers, and the author of Bogotá, a novel, long-listed for the Pen/Robert W. Bingham Award and chosen by the Wall Street Journal as one of the best ten books of fiction in 2013. He is currently finishing his second novel.